The Hwy52 Blog

Updates from Hwy52 Digital and curated industry information to help small to medium sized businesses get found online and stay ahead of the competition.

Do You Have an SEO Strategy?

Every day in North America more individuals than you may realize use the major internet search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) to search for products and services that you sell and provide. Chances are that if you are not on the first or second search results page for your keywords or phrases you are not going to get that call.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a term that refers to the art and science of getting people to find your website on the internet. It's a bit of a misnomer actually as you do not "optimize" the search engines but rather you optimize your website to be found and to rank high on the search engines.

I can say from my own observation that SEO is a science that it not fully exploited in the majority of businesses. Most likely do not have an SEO strategy and have not given this subject the priority it deserves. Consequently, there is a real opportunity for businesses that develop appropriate strategies to lead in this area.

Businesses that decide to make SEO a core competency will, in time, gain a significant advantage over their competitors. The advantage comes from having a disproportionately high stream of inquiries outside the usual competitive environment and it can not be understated. When you get a call from someone who finds you through the internet in all likelihood you may be the first and only business that person calls. This tends to have a very positive effect on your pricing power.

Over the next few weeks I will attempt to break this issue apart over a series of articles designed to help you make sense of this important subject. A driving principle behind the articles will be the fact that there is a way to rank high on search results pages and that you can win in this area. Please check back often or follow us on Twitter to receive updates.

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